“Whether I’m writing books, newsletters, columns for mainstream media, or articles for professional journals, I’m sharing a message I believe we all long to hear: There’s a better world out there for us, and we can do more than reach for it... we can live in it.”
- Carl
Dive into my free newsletter where I share a message I believe we all long to hear: There’s a better world out there for us, and we can do more than reach for it... we can live in it.
Some recent articles include:
The Extraordinarily Strange & the Uncomfortably Ordinary
Join me in Psychology Today where I explore the journey home to one another.
Some recent articles include:
How Modern Culture Drowns Out Psychology’s Important Message (feathered as an Essential Read)
What Can Our Past Really Teach Us About Our Future?
Featured Article in The Psychologist (The British Psychology Society’s Flagship Magazine)
Read Carl’s article, “From the Dark of Isolation to a Dawn of Mutuality,” and subtitled, “Carl R. Nassar on how Psychologists will change the world, with a focus on breaking free from the shackles of our consumer culture.”
Featured Column on the Loneliness Epidemic and How We Walk Each Other Home
Read this concise but powerful column exploring humanity’s fall into cultures of consumerism and separation, and explaining how you and I can engage in the great work of recreating the cultures of belonging we were born for.
Featured Interview on All Things Mental Health
Read this in-depth interview on how we find our way toward optimal mental health in the midst of a consumer culture that hurries us, often leaving us alone in our grief and our traumas.
Featured Article on Creating Cultures of Connection
Read Carl’s article titled, “The Founder’s Guide to Creating a Culture of Connection”.
OpEd on the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Read Carl’s opinion piece titled, “I’m a Therapist. Here’s What Happened the Day I Met with Both an Arab and a Jew.”
When the Heart Shatters: Sorrow, Presence,and Post-Traumatic Growth
Presented at the International Integrative Psychotherapy Association 11th Professional Education Conference: Presence & Involvement, Bilbao, Spain, June 15-17, 2023
Read Carl’s address to his international colleagues, where he explains how embracing the grief of where we are, within ourselves and within our culture, comes with the remarkable power to liberate us and bring us home to each other. But, to arrive here, we must each endure our time in the ashes.
A Time in the Ashes: How Grief can Liberate us From Life Script and our Culture of Separation
Appears in the International Journal of Integrative Psychotherapy, Vol. 14, pp. 30-48.
I explore grief, sorrow, suffering, and loss, explaining how, of all the many things that arrive with the power to liberate us from our separation, of all the things that come with the promise of bringing us together and reconnecting us, there may be no force more powerful than grief.
You weren’t born for a life of consumerism. You were born for a life of connection. Discover how we collectively got in the consumerist mess we’re in today, understand the psychology of what happens to all of us when we’re caught here, and, most importantly, find your way to a better world, a world of connection.
Send us your email and and we’ll send you the introduction in your inbox today.
“I write books in stages. Stage 1 is all about my putting core ideas on paper. Stage 2 is about organizing these ideas and creating a compelling narrative. And, in Stage 3, I strengthen both the research and the storytelling to create a compelling, complete book.” - Carl
You’re welcome to read Version 2 of Carl’s book. There’s no charge. Send us your email. We’ll send you the book.