For Therapists
The Relational Work of Client Transformation.

Training Groups
You’re ready to move beyond techniques of client regulation, and into the relational work of client transformation.
You’ll emerge from this training program with an in-depth understanding of your clients’ inner workings, learning how to identify their embedded, hidden stories, stories inhibiting their imagination and walling them off from the life they deserve.
These are stories that were implanted by the unique culture in the client’s family of origin. These are also stories that were taught to clients by the wider consumer culture. You’ll uncover the damage these stories have done, the complexity of the traumatic injuries they caused, and how they have distorted the clients understanding of themselves, of others, and of the world in ways that have locked them in.
Most importantly, you’ll learn to liberate clients from this “transference of everyday life”, where clients unconsciously play out their stories, time and again, through rigid relational patterns and maladaptive coping mechanisms.
Breaking through these patterns and mechanistic responses, using insight, caring, and depth techniques, you’ll now witness clients uproot attachment styles and integrate the forgotten, hidden and wounded parts of themselves, emerging not just regulated, but whole.
Welcome to the Integrative Psychotherapy training program, sanctioned by the IIPA (International Integrative Psychotherapy Association). Completing this training program is one important step toward international certification as a CIIP (Certified International Integrative Psychotherapist). Training programs currently exist throughout England, France, Italy, Canada, Slovenia, Turkey, Romania, and Russia, and have in the past been taught in the USA.
Come join Carl Nassar, Ph.D., LPC, CIIPTS (Certified International Integrative Psychotherapy Trainer and Supervisor) on this adventure into the depths of healing.
The group is a blend of presentation, role play, live work, experiential activity, and self-exploration. The pace and rhythms are gentle, allowing you to not only understand the work, but to experience it. You’ll carry the richness of this work with you both personally (as a felt sense) and professionally (as a way to support your clients).
Universities teach therapists-in-training an eclectic toolbox of skills to help their future clients, most of them geared to help clients regulate and reclaim lost balance. But you want much more for your clients, and from your time with your clients.
You want to engage in the relational work of client transformation, helping clients break free from lifelong patterns that limit their imaginations and impoverish their lives. You want to hold your clients’ hands as they cross the bridge into a world of relational richness.
Consultations boost confidence and fine tune clinical skills, helping you readily gain insight into your clients’ inner, hidden stories, stories that wall them off from their best lives. These are stories that were implanted by the unique culture in the clients’ family of origins. And these are also stories taught to clients by the broader consumer culture.
Consultations teach therapists how to liberate their clients from their “transference of everyday life”, their unconscious playing out of their stories, time and again, through rigid relational patterns and maladaptive coping mechanisms.
Therapists learn to interrupt these patterns and mechanistic responses, using insight, caring, and depth techniques, allowing their clients to uproot attachment styles and integrate the forgotten, hidden and wounded parts of themselves. Clients emerge not just regulated, but whole.
Therapists work in isolation, navigating their cases and questions alone. Please join Carl Nassar, Ph.D., LPC, CIIPTS (Certified International Integrative Psychotherapy Trainer and Supervisor) whenever you’d like support in a compassionate place and from a warm presence.

Let’s Make the Most of Your Time With Clients